At the two-day symposium “Kopački Rit: Past, Present, Future” which took place on September 28 and 29, 2023. at the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences in Osijek (Croatia), the HORIZON ClimEmpower project was presented to the public in the poster section. This year, the symposium gathered over 300 participants from the fields of biodiversity, ecology and the environment, which makes them key stakeholders for the ClimEmpower project.
The interest of the participants in the project was great because the project goal was recognized as one of the key challenges for the region, and also because of the rich experience of the project partners.
Na dvodnevnom simpoziju „Kopački rit Jučer Danas Sutra“ koji se održao 28. i 29.9.2023. na Fakultetu agrobiotehničkih znanosti u Osijeku (Hrvatska), u posterskoj sekciji javnosti je predstavljen HORIZON ClimEmpower projekt. Simpozij je i ove godine okupio preko 300 sudionika iz područja bioraznolikosti, ekologije i okoliša što ih čini ključnim dionicima za ClimEmpower projekt.
Interes sudionika za projekt je bio velik jer je projektni cilj prepoznat kao jedan od ključnih izazova za regiju, a i zbog bogatog iskustva i projektnih partnera.