The Region of Central Greece (Perifereia Stereas Elladas-PSTE) is the second largest administrative region in Greece in total area (15,549.31 km2), with a population of 555,960 inhabitants (5.2% of the country’s population), it accounts for 4.7% (€8.767bn) of the country’s GDP while the regional GDP per capita in PPS was €19,300 in 2018 (EU28 average €31,000). More than half of the region is composed by mountains, followed by lowland and semi-mountainous terrain.
The First Greek Cop meeting was held in the premises of the Prefecture of Central Greece in Lamia on 21/12/2023.
The meeting was divided into two parts. The first part CERTH and PSTE gave general presentations of the project. Stakeholders had also the opportunity to present themselves.
In the second part, a Human-Centred Design activity was implemented to collect initial feedback from the stakeholders regarding their perception of the risk based on their own experience, as well as available tools used to avoid or reduce the impact.
The hazards that were identified during the second part of the CoP are Fires, Floods, Drought, Temperature rise, Water pollution.
In the image below you can find more information and the key points that have been identified: