On March 23, 2024, we celebrated World Forest and Water Day by presenting the ClimEmpower project and inviting some stakeholders as part of our Community of Practice, to present issues concerning climate change related to the forests and water. The scope of all project activities is to create strategies and models for the adaptation and/or resilience to climate change in agriculture and protected areas but other important goals and strategies of the project, like establishing a Community of Practice, were also presented. These two important dates for nature protection, celebrated worldwide, World Forest and Water Day were ideal dates for us to present the ClimEmpower project and other related activities since these two resources are severely affected by climate change.  

The first part of the program was held at the Educational Visitors Centre where the ClimEmpower project was presented as well as a project “Restoration of Biljski rit” (Croatian Water Management), “What is happening to the forests” (Croatian Forest Management) “How to create your own self-sustainable forest garden” and workshop (fieldwork) lead by Ospera Civil Society. The participants took part in the workshop where they learned some useful methods about how to create a self-sustainable garden, which plants are the most suitable ones, and how to upgrade this type of garden year by year. A thematic exhibition named “Forest and Water, Power and Beauty” was set up at the Visitors Centre, and at the end of this first part, every participant was given a plant to take home and to start their own self-sustainable garden. In the second part of the program at the Museum of Fine Arts, a larger exhibition about the Drava River and the problems it is struggling with, due to climate change, was set up, after which another workshop was held under the name “Create your own forest”.  The participants made their own small forest on a square board, using natural and live plants as well as dried plants. Some of the plants used were dill, sage, moss, eucalyptus, reed, moss, marshmallow plant, basil, rosemary, oak and others. After the workshop, participants could enjoy the freshwater fish delicacies and sweet moss. Our goal was to present the objectives and activities of ClimEmpower and to present to the public what each individual can do to adapt and to resist to the upcoming climate change. The local media was invited to record the whole event and 4 days later, Renata Forjan gave an interview on local TV about the event and whole project. In the meantime, we created a survey on google about adapting to climate change and until now, about 200 people have filled it. At a certain number, we will translate, prepare and present the survey in English.